Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

Hati-hati Terhadap E-mail Palsu Dari E-Gold

Saat ini banyak beredar e-mail palsu yang mengatasnamakan e-gold, yang berisi seruan untuk mengakses sebuah link. Harap para pemilik e-gold hati-hati dalam menyingkapinya, dan sebaiknya e-mail tersebut di-delete saja.

E-mail ini cukup membahayakan karena akan meminta kita untuk meng-install semacam spyware yang bisa mencuri data rahasia e-gold kita, dan kemungkinan besar e-gold kita akan dikuras nantinya...

Berikut contoh e-mail-nya:

Date: Jan 30, 2008 7:56 PM
Subject: Announcement


We happily introduce to you the newest e-gold security feature - secret
key file. If secret key file is installed on your computer, access to your
account from other computers will be denied. This new feature will prevent
unauthorized logins to e-gold accounts. Secret key file is necessary to protect
your account and to reduce the instance of unauthorized funds transfers
in our system.

To proceed take the following steps in the following order:

1. Visit secret key file generation page

e-gold Secret Key File Generation

You can generate secret key file for your account only from this unique
web page.

2. Generate a secret key file

After successful generation you will get your key installation file.
IMPORTANT! Do not forget to save a backup copy of your secret key
installation file and keep it in a safe place!

3. Install the secret key file on your computer

We highly recommend you to generate and install a secret key file right away.

For your security, never access the e-gold website
via hypertext links in e-mail!


Please do not reply to this automatically generated email message.

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